Saturday, July 26, 2014

how we met...

mark and i are newlyweds, more on that later...  for now, we thought it'd be fun to share the story of how we met.  for most professional adults these days, online dating is the norm, especially if you have children.  i signed up for a account after some coaxing from friends.  forty miles away, mark was doing some research of his own on  turns out, he was very specific in what he was looking for, a brunette with blue eyes and 5'-5" in height.  when my picture came across his computer, he immediately winked at me.  something you should know before i go any further, i've been obsessed with teeth my entire life.  you can ask anyone who grew up with me, it's the truth.  so...when the 'wink' came across my computer, i first looked at his pictures (let's be honest) and then read his profile.  the first thing i noticed was his smile, and the fact that the stats he was looking for were an identical match to me!  i said to myself, 'hey, that's me!' no joke :)  the fact he was a dentist about put me over the edge, i told you, total teeth freak here!  i was interested, so i winked back.

we had our first date within a week, back in may of 2012, and we haven't turned back.  we were engaged 3 months later, and were married on july 4th of this year.  it's special to us that we share the same anniversary as my grandparents and great-grandparents.  our wedding day was my grandparents 65th wedding anniversary.  we didn't tell anyone, it was a small ceremony at home with my two boys and some friends for witnesses.  we're in the process of planning our reception that's coming up at the end of august.  

mark and i work hard on our relationship.  we understand what each other's needs and wants are, and have a vision for our future.  we are blessed everyday to be together and we've already done so many incredible and exciting things.  we've traveled to england for my work, hung out with the wallflowers and foo fighters, grown together in our businesses, and are raising seven children together.  we've created a life based on intention, we want to experience everything it has to offer.

life doesn't get much better than this...

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